We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Unlimited Plus Plan
  • Unlimited Meals
  • $450 Cavalier Cash
  • Per Semester
  • 5 Exchanges Per Week
Meals: The Unlimited Meal Plan gives you unlimited meals to use at our All-You-Care to eat Howerton Dining Hall.

Cavalier Cash: The Unlimited Meal Plan comes with $450 in Cavalier Cash to use at the Howerton After Hours, Nelson's Study Snacks in Belk Student Center, and Java City.

Meal Exchange: With the Unlimited Meal Plan you can use up to 5 meals as Meal Exchanges a week at Howerton After Hours. Meal Exchanges typically include an entrée, side, and beverage.

To upgrade to this plan, please contact Sharon Randall at Randall-Sharon@aramark.com or visit the Dining Services Office in Howerton Dining Hall.